Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon
Dec 2007

Not a great time to go to the one of the natural 7 wonders of the world, but still..not a bad trip for a first time.

Location: Arizona, about 4.5 hours from Phoenix.

Getting there: There are more than enough resources out there to give this info, along with Googlemaps and one very reliable link is the one given above. Besides, I didnt do the planning of the driving part, and if I did, I could have written more.

The Canyon itself is like a deep divider of the land into two parts - The North Rim and The South Rim. The former is open only during summer and fall, and we had to be content with visiting south rim. The place around the Grand Canyon Market Plaza has very tricky roads and we lost quite a bit of time in figuring out our way. For a while we could not find out whether we were on the East side of the Rim or the west side...but in any case, we decided to keep going and eventually figure out where we were. Turned out that we were on the east we covered that for most part of the day, and decided to somehow make it to the Hopi Point, situated to the West side, for sunset. We had missed Sunrise by about 5-10min or so. The sunset was lovely, but awfully cold. It was like -15C out there and we stood with our cameras for nearly an hour. But just before the sky became a glowing red and painted the canyon red, we decided to get out of there, and make our way soon to Las Vegas....For most of the place, there is maximum to be done only during summer,and I think I would like to go back sometime during summer to hike and camp there.

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